Batman Hasankeyf Archaeological Site

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Hasankeyf archaeological site

Period: Neolithic, Chalcolithic, Tunç, Demirçağlar, Hellenistic, Roman, Early Byzantine, Great Seljuk, Artuklu, Ayyubi, Akkoyunlu, Ottoman.

Excavation Studies: All of the old city texture was declared in 1981 and the first degree archaeological site. Excavations started in 1986 under the chairmanship of Mardin Museum Directorate. Dr. M. was continued by Arık. In 1991, with the support of the GAP Regional Development Administration Presidency, the scope of the History of Hasankeyf History and Archaeological Site Research, Excavation and Rescue Project ”was expanded. With the excavations that continued until 2004, Sultan Süleyman and Koç mosques and complex structures in the vicinity, the central texture of the Lower City and ceramic furnaces were revealed. The studies started in Mardinike Mosque by the Great Palace and the Tigris River could not be completed. Dr. Peter Schneıder and his team excavated at the Er-Rızk Mosque between 2001 and 2003 and a part of the harim was revealed. Assoc. Dr. A. Space Peker and his team have carried out documentation studies on the examples of civil settlement in the Inner Castle. In 2004, with the decision of the Council of Ministers, Hasankeyf Excavation and Research Prof.Dr. Dr. The excavation transferred to Abdüsselam Uluçam continued until 2017 under the chairmanship of him. Between 2017-2021, he was chaired by the Batman Museum before the archaeological excavations of Hasankeyf and then under the chairmanship of Hasankeyf Museum. As of 2021, Hasankeyf Excavations Mardin Artuklu University Faculty Member Assoc. Dr. Zekai Erdal was carried out by the presidency.

Based on the important findings and finds found in Hasankeyf Höyük between 2009-2019, the mound was considered among the oldest and important neolithic settlement areas in Anatolia. Hasankeyf Hüyük'te Neolithic (Dish Potterless (PPNA) period in the second half of the 10th millennium, the first settlement activities began, the excavation areas in the mound of the iron age and the Hellenistic period findings were also found in the excavation works of the Hasankeyf Museum and Batman Museum. In addition to the Höyük, the important building and building communities of Rome, Artuklu, Ayyubi, Akkoyunlu and Ottoman period were revealed in the city; Parcel, Old Municipal Vegetables, Central Excavation Area, Ayyubi-Girl Mosque, Ottoman Mosque Mosque, Yamaç Complex, Ceramic Furnace Area, Structures in the Gardens of Salihiye, Kasimiye Köşkleri, Mardinike Complex and the Islamic Period Cleaning-Cruise Studies in the Old Cemetery Areas were carried out between 1986-2019.

Within the scope of Ilisu Dam and HEPP project between 2017-2020; In line with the studies related to the investigation and strengthening of the ancient city of Hasankeyf in terms of geological-geotechnical, cave injection studies, Dicle Valley Set Upgrade and Rock Fill Manufacturing Work, Small Palace Rocking Anchor Reinforcement Wall and Monument of Monument Works and Zeynel Bey Tomb, Artuklu Hamam, Imam Abdullah Tour, Imam Abdullah Tour Eyyubi-Kizlar Mosque, Middle Gate, Süleyman Han Mosque-Külliyesi, Er-Rızk Mosque-Külliyesi immovable cultural assets were moved to the new Hasankeyf Culture Park area by DSI.

The prominent feature: As a result of the excavation studies carried out in Hasankeyf Örenyer between 1986-2019 within the scope of Ilisu Dam and HEPP Project, Mesopotamia, Iran, Roman-Anatolian civilizations, which marked the history of the world from the first quarter of the 20th century to the first quarter of the 20th century.


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