Nevşehir Hacıbektaş Museum

4,8 5
Şimdi Açık

The Museum of Hacıbektaş Veli

The main core of the Hacıbektaş Museum (Kulliye) is the Çilehane (Kızılca Halvet) section, which was built in the 13th century during the time of Hacı Bektaş Veli. After the death of His Holiness Hacıbektaş Veli, the complex was completed in the 16th century with the additions made by Murat Gazi, Yıldırım Beyazıt, and Yavuz Sultan Selim, starting with the Ottoman Emperor Orhan Gazi. It was repaired by IV. Mustafa in 1807, by Abdülaziz in 1862, and by II. Abdülhamit in 1895 reached its present state.

While the museum was used as a lodge until 1925, it was closed under the Law on Closure of Lodges and Lodges in 1925 and the works within it were sent to the Ankara Ethnography Museum. Restoration works of the Kulliye were carried out by the General Directorate of Foundations in 1958, the artifacts sent to the Ankara Ethnography Museum were brought back, and it was opened as a museum on 16 August 1964. Hacıbektas Museum consists of three courtyards, in the 1st Courtyard; Laundry, Fixture Warehouse, Üçler Fountain in the 2nd Courtyard; Mihman House, Square House, Pantry House, Cook House, Dede Baba Mansion (Museum Management), Cook House Baba Mansion, Tekke Mosque, Lion Fountain, Square Pool, in the 3rd Courtyard; Atatürk Corner, Pir House Section, Balım Sultan Tomb, Cemetery and Has Garden are located. The increase in the number of visitors to the museum in April continues until November, and the peak period of visitors is June-July-August. Our museum can be visited between 08.00 am-7.00 pm in winter and 08.00 am-19.00 pm in summer. In 2020, a total of 120,335 people visited our Museum. 


Yaz (01.04.2021 - 01.10.2021)
08:00-19:00 Cumartesi Kapalı Pazar Kapalı
Gişe Kapanış 19:00
Kış (01.10.2021 - 01.04.2022)
08:00-17:00 Cumartesi Kapalı Pazar Kapalı
Gişe Kapanış 17:00

Nevşehir Hacıbektaş Museum Bala Mahallesi No:5 Hacıbektaş/NEVŞEHİR
+00 (384) 441-3022
Hızlı Arama Yol Tarifi

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